Friday, July 11, 2014

DBYS Newsletter Issue 2

Here is issue 2 of my newsletter I sent out in June. If wanting to sign up for the news letter you can do so on my website:

Dylan Bailey's Yacht Surveying And Consulting

In This Issue

  • IR Chainplate Inspections
  • Boating Safety 
  • Metal Boat Festival And More

Website Refresh

Check out our new look at:
About Dylan:


Chainplate Inspections

In the last newsletter I reported on my use of thermal imaging for the inspection of embedded/glassed in chainplates. I have conducted more inspections over the past two months with good results. To read more about these inspections, go to my blog:

Boating Safety

One of the busiest boating weekends has passed 
and the summer boating season has started throughout the country. 
All boaters should not only pay close attention to the condition of their boat's systems when commissioning their boat in the spring, but all summer long. 
This does not only include maintaing your 
engine/engines, but all of your hoses, thru-hull valves, electrical connections, lifelines, rigging, and ensuring all of your safety gear is up to date. Here is a link for the USCG requirements:



This was the title of one of the best articles I have read in Professional Boat Builder Magazine. The article was written by yacht designer Dudley Dix.
 I have built and sailed on Dudley's boats and own one. 
Not only is he a very talented designer, he is also a
 amateur builder, and experienced racer. 
If you are in the industry you can get a subscription to Pro Boat here:
To read Dudley's account of the capsize on his blog go here:

Metal Boat Festival 2014

The metal boat festival: The board members have been busy planning this year's Metal Boat Festival. We have a good line up of speakers for this year. My talk this year will be on paint systems for metal boats.
If interested in metal boats, this is the place to be. I can not think of a better place to be in August than Annacortes, Washington, the home of the Metal Boat Festival. A scenic ferry ride will take you to the San Juan Islands.  If you are coming to the Festival plan on a trip to the San Juan Islands, you will not be disappointed.

Spring Metal Boat Quarterly Interview

My first interview for a series I am doing for the  Metal Boat Quarterly was with writers/cruising sailors, Beth Leonard and Evans Starzinger. I will be posting my interviews on my Metal Boat Blog after they are released in the Metal Boat Quarterly.

Applying Infrared Thermography To Marine Surveying

Recently I attended a two day seminar on Applying Infrared Thermography To Marine Surveying hosted by ARIS INC. It was a very rewarding two days of hands on field work and class room instruction.